Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
As mobile technology evolved, higher data speeds became available. This resulted variety of data services to be used in mobile phones. Watching videos, live TV, instant messaging applications, social networking etc. More than 70% of data usage is in indoor places such as bussiness centers and shopping malls. Therefore indoors are considered as hotspots in terms of generating revenue for mobile operators. Quala offers its customers end to end In Building Solutions (IBS) projects in order to ensure superior data speed and high quality for their subscribers. By the help of its dedicated and highly skilled employees Quala provides:
– Site acquisition
– Design
– Installation
– Commissioning
– Walk tests & reporting
– EMR measurement & reporting
The operators that implement in-building solutions can benefit from a competitive advantage towards the other players on their market. Due to the high frequencies used in 5G, the radio signals penetrating building walls suffer high losses. Moving information at high data transfer rates requires high signal to interference ratio in 5G. Therefore, very good coverage must be provided in these buildings to satisfy future user needs